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St. Anthony Orthodox Group

Public·7 members
Miles Sanders
Miles Sanders

Cary Nati Finger In 30

These will take place on Tuesday, May 31 through Friday, June 3 from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. each day at the Grandstand at Veterans Park. It brings master musicians directly to attendees who want to learn from them and play with them. The workshops are another way to enhance the experience for those from across the nation attending the Fiddlers Convention.

Cary Nati Finger In 30

WPAQ Merry-Go-Round is the second-longest continuously running live radio broadcast in the nation, second only to the Grand Ole Opry. COVID-19 closed down the public performances earlier this year, and the Merry-Go-Round had to broadcast from the WPAQ Studio.

Shirrel Rhoades, a Wilkesboro native, is a former vice president of Marvel Comics and present owner of the publishing house Absolutely Amazing ebooks. He writes movies reviews from his home in Key West, Florida.

However, thanks to machinations of arrogant TV host Margaux Needler, their lives begin to unravel while preparing for their extended family to arrive for a major celebration. Audiences must ask themselves, are these quaint out-of-step oddballs ready for the 21st Century?

Salmon was a studious lad, so when his uncle, Rev.PhilanderCHASE, the earliest Episcopal Bishop, came to Ohio, he sent for him tocome and live with him, and for a couple of years hestudiedwith his uncle at Worthington, near Columbus, and then one year withhimat Cincinnati. Then his uncle went to England on a visit andSalmonentered Dartmouth College, where he graduated in 1826, paying for hiscollegeexpenses by school-teaching. He then went to Washing-ton, wherehetaught a classical school and studied law with William Wirt. Havingbeen admitted to the bar in 1830, he settled in Cincinnati to practisehis profession, his age 22 years.

In 1855 Mr. CHASE was elected Governor of Ohio bythenewly formed Republican party formed solely to restrict the extensionofslavery and the domination of the pro-slavery power, add by a majorityof 15,651 over the Democratic candidate, Gov. MEDILL. Ex-GovernorTRIMBLE, the candidate of the Know Nothing or Native American party,received24,276 votes. In 1857 he was re-elected governor by 1503 overHenryB. PAYNE, the Democratic candidate. In the Chicago RepublicanConventionof 1860, which nominated Mr. LINCOLN, the first ballot stood: SEWARD,173;LINCOLN, 102; CAMERON, 50; and CHASE, 49.

Mr. CHASE died in New York, May 7, 1873, ofparalysis. He was buried in Washington and on Thursday, October 14, 1886, hisremainswere removed to Spring Grove, Cincinnati. On this occasion,ex-Gov.HOADLEY, his once partner, gave a masterly oration upon his lifeand services, in Music Hall, and addresses were made by CongressmanBUTTERWORTH,Gov. FORAKER, and Justice MATTHEWS; James E. MURDOCK read a poeticaltributefrom the pen of W. D. GALLAGHER. Conspic-uous in the crowdwho had assembled to pay their last tribute to the distinguished deadweresome old colored men who had been slaves, and who felt a debt ofgratitudeto a man who had done so much for their liberty.

He could find neither in London nor Paris such anobjectglass as he wanted; but at Munich was one unfinished that would taketwoyears to complete, the price to be $10,000. He had but $7,500 topay for building an apparatus. The people of Cincinnati must comefurther to his aid; and after an absence of only 100 days he was amongthem. The shareholders indorsed his action, he appealing to theirlocal pride by his statement that, if they did so, their telescopewouldbe excelled by only one other in the world. He remitted $3,000 toMunich to secure the contract.

In August MITCHEL was appointed Brig-adier-GeneralofVolunteers, head-quarters Cincinnati, where he at once plunged into hisnew work with his old zeal, put the city in a posture of defence,supervisedthe erection of earthworks and drilled the gathering troops.

Alice was frail, and in her last sickness, prolongedforyears, she was tenderly nursed by her stronger sister, bearing hergreatsufferings with wonderful patience and resignation. Alice diedFebruary12, 1871, and five months later Phoebe followed her. She wasnaturallyrobust in health, but she had been weakened by intense sorrow, and thenbecoming exposed to malarial influences quickly followed hersister. Both were buried in Greenwood cemetery.


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