Buy Water Softener Online
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buy water softener online
*One mg/l (milligram per liter) is equivalent to one ppm (part per million). There are 17.1 ppm per grain of hardness. Consider an iron filter prior to a water softener if your iron level exceeds 2 ppm of clear water iron.
You can trust the experts at US Water Systems to provide you with a real water softener, you will love, not some salt-free fictional one that doesn't soften the water. With a water softener from US Water Systems, you will use up to 75% less soap, save up to 30% on water heating costs while protecting your plumbing and appliances. It will make your clothes whiter and brighter, and of course, it makes cleaning a breeze. You eliminate spots, streaks and scum on showers and fixtures as well, and one of the best parts is that you have spot-free dishes and silverware.
The next evolution of our best-selling Matrixx Water Softener - by combining the Matrixx with drop technology, we were able to create a system that goes beyond the capabilities of a typical water softener. The Matrixx Smart Water Softener is a true Whole House Water Management System. Smart device and Alexa ready - pair the hub to the softener and download the free app.
On our entry-level water softening systems we offer a 10-year tank warranty with a 7-year warranty on the electrics and valve. Our Matrixx water softener comes with a lifetime warranty on the tank and a 10-year warranty on the valve and electronics.
It is not true that water softener regeneration discharges pose a problem to septic systems or to the leach field. Studies have shown that water softener regeneration wastes not only do not interfere with the septic tank system drain field soil percolation, but, actually could, because of the polyvalent water hardness cations in the regeneration discharges, improve soil percolation particularly in fine-textured soils.
WQA has research reports by the University of Wisconsin and the National Sanitation Foundation on septic tanks and water softeners. This research was completed in the late 1970's. It was about that time that numerous regulatory agencies were contemplating restriction on the discharge of water softener wastes to private sewage disposal systems. More recently the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reviewed this research report, and an expert in on-site waste treatment wrote October 1993 that he "does not believe that the conclusions of the earlier study would change since the chemistry and physics of soils have not." He also goes on to say that he knows this work to remain "scientifically excellent." These studies conclusively show that water softener waste effluents cause no problems for septic tanks. The allowance of water treatment system discharges to hundreds of thousands of septic tank systems is practically universal now. It has not caused damage or hazards; but it has provided convenience and economic savings to many homeowners. This conclusion is supported by the Ten States? "Recommended Standards for Individual Sewage Systems" The states have concluded that even in Montmorillinite clay soils, "the disposal of brine wastes from water softening equipment does not have a significant effect upon the permeability of soils suitable for soil absorption systems."
The addition of sodium to a septic system by use of soft water actually has beneficial effects on the digestion of wastes by bacteria. The volume of wastes from water softeners (about 50 gallons per regeneration) are added to the septic tank slowly and are not of sufficient volume to cause any deleterious hydraulic load problems. In fact, they are lower in volume and rate of addition than wastes from automatic washers. And the calcium and magnesium in softener regeneration wastes contribute to good air and water movement (improved soil percolation) through the septic system drainage field.
The University of Wisconsin and the National Sanitation Foundation reports clearly indicate that when the sodium content from the softener regeneration cycle is discharged into the soil via a septic system along with other salts such as calcium, magnesium, and iron the result is an improvement in the soil's percolation rather than a detriment. The enclosed copy of a letter from Dr. Fred P. Miller, Professor of Soil Science, Department of Agronomy, University of Maryland, in which he evaluates this study clearly indicates this same conclusion. I specifically direct your attention to Dr. Miller's closing statements. Dr. Miller points out that when the septic system is receiving soft water only, containing a very low mineral content, and not receiving the mineral salts from the backwash cycle, this condition "might result in swelling and dispersion of clay and lowered hydraulic conductivity in the absorption field."
There are other advantages that are directly related to the use of ion exchange softened water when the hardness minerals calcium and magnesium are removed by softening. The homeowner uses less soap -- studies have indicated as much as 50% to 75% less. There is also less biodegradable products discharged into the system which relieves the loading on the system. It is a known fact that many homeowners do not maintain a septic system properly; not pumping the system at proper intervals allows detergent solids, as well as other solids, to be carried over into the drainage area causing clogging. Also, by having soft water or stain-free water available, the homeowner's fabrics are cleaner, and the amount of water used can be reduced. This reduces the loading on the septic system a great deal.
The water quality improvement industry has earnestly sought to sort out the factual information on softener effluent. The septic tank study clearly indicates that there are no adverse effects when water conditioning effluent is discharged into properly installed private septic systems. There are a few additional reports that also explain further evidence of the hardness ions in a softener?s regeneration wastes causing less clogging and maintaining higher permeability than the regular septic tank effluent. (TAKEN DIRECTLY FROM THE WEBSITE OF THE WATER QUALITY ASSOCIATION)
Our Exclusive Genesis 2 Upflow On Demand metered digital water softener is the new standard for high-performance while offering more features designed to make installation easier and faster than ever.
This is a great question! There are a lot of great deals on the internet, and so it is important to consider all of the facts when comparing an online price to a quote you get from a local water softener dealer. Here are some of our top reasons for why you may prefer to shop with us rather than an online competitor:
What is hard water? Hard water is high level of dissolved minerals such as calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron and lead that can have a negative impact you and your home. This produces scale, stains and buildup on your sinks and bathtubs. If you use a large amount of soap and detergent to clean dishes, do laundry or wash your hair, you probably have a hard water problem. Water softeners eliminate hard water by using a safe and effective solution called ion exchange which just trades the minerals for something else, in most cases sodium. If your home is left untreated hard water will eventually clogs plumbing and shorten life of appliances such as washing machines, water heaters and dishwashers. Scale deposits not only cut down on the efficiency of these appliances, it costs you money, increasing both energy and maintenance bills. Purchasing a water softener will extend the life of water heaters, washing machines, dishwashers, coffeemakers, humidifiers and household plumbing systems by as much as 30%.
Canadian Water Warehouse is proud to provide the best products available on the market. You can choose 25K, 30K, 50K or 60K capacity water softeners with GE Logix 255/740, 255/760, 268/762, Clack WS1TC, WS1CS, WS1EE, or Fleck 5600SXT, 5800 STR2, 7000SXT Control Valve. CWW offers full technical support, installation and service. Our residential water softeners are covered with 5 years warranty on the Control Valve and 10 years on the resin and brine tank.
The result is often a choice of softener that seems properly sized yet results in massive salt consumption (often more than 2000 pounds per year) instead of a correctly sized, efficient model that uses 300 pounds over the same year. Why does this happen? It is simply that many dealers - both online and in-store - do not understand the concept of softener salt efficiency and do not incorporate it into their sizing model.
The first step in properly sizing your softener is to calculate your "daily softening requirement". This is simply a measure of how much hardness your softener will have to remove daily. Daily softening requirement is calculated using your water hardness info and your water consumption.
This is the measure of how much calcium and magnesium is dissolved in your water. Depending on where a water test is performed this information will be reported in mg/L (milligrams per Litre) or GPG (grains per gallon). Grains per gallon is the industry-standard way to discuss water hardness. Diving mg/L by 17.1 will convert it to GPG. A "grain" of water hardness is equivalent to 1/7000th of a pound.
It is very important to know your water hardness when you're considering the purchase of a softener. Guessing at this number will result in an improperly sized system. Also, when it comes time to programming your softener it will ask for the hardness value. If you're on your own well you will have to test for hardness. If you're on city water you can usually get the hardness level from your local water utility. Their annual reports can often be found online. When iron is present in the water, the hardness value must be corrected. For every 1.0 ppm or mg/L of iron, 3 GPG of hardness needs to be added to the total hardness value. 041b061a72