Hi Everyone!
God Bless You!
1.) As we cross through to the 2nd half of Great Lent, I want to thank all of you for:
Participating in the Tuesday night Book Study (That is a hoot)
Joining with our friends at Sts. Peter & Paul Ukrainian Church for Pre-Sanctified Liturgy at at St. Anthony!
Attending Vespers & Divine Liturgy!
2.) With April fast upon us, we continue out journey to Pascha!
April 2nd - Vespers
April 3rd - Morning Prayers & Divine Liturgy
April 11th - Arise O God ZOOM Book Study
April 6th - Pre-Sanctified Divine Liturgy
April 9th - Vespers
April 10th - Morning Prayers & Divine Liturgy
April 12th - Arise O God ZOOM Book Study
April 13th - Pre-Sanctified Divine Liturgy
April 16th - Vespers
April 17th PALM SUNDAY: Morning Prayers & Divine Liturgy
I will update our Holy Week Schedule in a few days as I rough out my schedule at work. Also, we will set our Saturday outside Parish Clean Up day as well (Hope this continuing winter weather releases us after this weekend! ;)
Pascha is April 24th.
Be Well!
Fr. Martin