Dear Friends, Thank you. We have now completed 10 months of our financial year. I am grateful for your stewardship and commitment and we continue to be blessed as a parish community in these troubled times. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues; I feel fortunate that we have found our way.
Currently, our donations lag our expenses by approximately $5,000. The good news is that we know this now! So, I am asking, as we enter the final 2 months of 2020, that we redouble our efforts and look to deliberately contribute a little more so that we do our best to depart this year in balance.
I also ask that you do not put yourself or your family at risk in response to this request, because this year many have lost jobs, others have lost faith, and some have lost lives. In spite of this, I continue to pray that in suffering we may remain in the mystery of Christ's love and light for us. And that we are happy in all circumstances, find growth toward Christ in any situation, and continue to beautify our soul from the Him who loved us first.
So help us bring our accounts back in balance if you are able these last two months! Thanks everyone!
What do you do? Just go to our website ( and click the donate button and give online or mail a check directly to the parish.
Your prayers.
Fr. Martin
