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Christmas Week 2020

Hi Everyone, This year we will not have Vesperal Liturgy on the evening of December 24th as we normally would. Our schedule for services for the coming feasts are:

  1. Christmas Eve - December 24th, 2020 - Festal Matins = 0915 - Divine Liturgy = 10:00

  2. The Feast of the Nativity of Christ December 25th -Festal Matins = 0915 -Divine Liturgy = 10:00

  3. December 27th - Sunday after the Nativity (Proto-Martyr Stephen) - Matins = 0915 - Divine Liturgy = 10:00

I hope to see you at as many services as you can attend. I recognize that some of you have family with you and some of you do not. I also understand this year has made things particularly challenging for our long distance families regarding night driving and lodging. All of these services are in the morning and I trust these three opportunities keep us worshipping, prudent, and safe. Pax Christi

Your prayers, Fr. Martin.

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