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Writer's pictureFr. Martin

Metropolitan Joseph

Beloved hierarchs, clergy, and faithful of our God-protected archdiocese, Greetings and blessings to you in the name of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ! As we have now begun our journey to Pascha, I pray that in this season of repentance your souls will be purified and set aflame with the love of God. It is my joy to inform you that we have ended all face-mask requirements at the Antiochian Village, both at the retreat center and at the camp. This giant step back to normalcy was made possible by the improved Covid situation and follows the C.D.C.’s updated guidance regarding the use of face coverings. I encourage all of you to spread the word and fill up this year’s camp sessions and scheduled conferences and retreats. Also, please consider the Village retreat center when planning your next church-group or family gathering. I thank you for your patience and ready obedience throughout the dark days of the Covid pandemic, when we followed the guidance of our medical experts and public health officials in order to protect those most vulnerable to the virus. This was an expression of your love for the Lord, who said, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these My brethren, you did it for Me” (Matt. 25:40). May the Lord bless all of you for your faithfulness. With love for you and all your families, I remain, Yours in Christ, +JOSEPH Archbishop of New York and Metropolitan of all North America

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